Providing the highest quality veterinary medicine to pets and their families lies at the heart of everything ADAvet does, but we also strive to do so much more for the communities we serve and give back to the people and pets that need it the most. Without the trust and support of our community, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. Our community involvement efforts span across a variety of events, organizations, and educational opportunities. Take a look at our past outreach activities. You can also follow our Facebook page for regular updates.

2023 Toys For Tots Drive
” The Toys For Tots mission is to collect and distribute NEW, unwrapped toys as Christmas gifts to those children less fortunate in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Northern Plymouth. For the last 75 years, the United States Marine Corps Reserve has distributed over 542 million toys to more than 250 million children. This success stems from great partners, sponsors, and volunteers who help us raise funds and toy donations. Without your help, this program would not be a success! ” – Toys For Tots